Cypvest -Crypto Trading App

Cypvest -Crypto Trading App

How I successfully applied the design principles of Duolingo in a crypto trading app

How I successfully applied the design principles of Duolingo in a crypto trading app

1 month

Mobile App

1 month

Mobile App

1 month

Mobile App

What is Cypvest

Cypvest is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency trading platform designed with beginners in mind. By simplifying trading processes and offering exciting educational resources, Cypvest empowers users to confidently explore and invest in cryptocurrencies through fun learning and engagement. Whether you're new to the crypto market or looking to deepen your understanding, Cypvest is here to guide you every step of the way and make your trading journey successful and enjoyable. 

My role

As many potential users found DeX platforms overwhelming, I aimed to bridge the gap between curious beginners and the complexity of crypto investing. What makes Cypvest different is gamification integrated with heavy interfaces and thus, complexity turned into a beginner-friendly platform.

I’ve integrated the octalysis principle of Duolingo to involve the users in the learning process and understand trading concepts in a simplified manner.

Design Applications

To make the screens beginner-friendly and completely similar to Web2 applications, I applied few strategies to simplify the trading journey and encourage the users for it. Some of the key techniques applied were:

Designing Progression Paths: Cypvest offers structured learning paths with rewards every time that gives users a sensation of improvement.

Achievement Badges: I integrated badges or achievements for completing tasks like making the first trade, completing educational modules, or achieving portfolio milestones which resulted in increase of engagement.

Interactive Simulations: Through providing virtual trading simulations, users can practice trading without real money, gaining confidence and skills. This provides them and prepares them to begin their investment journey confidently without fear.

Leading users to final destination:

I have designed the trading interfaces to be intuitive with clear calls-to-action and interactive elements that guide users through the buying and selling process. As our primary business goal is to lead the user to trading, after each game and learning materials, I have offered the user a chance to directly start their investing journey through taking them to the trading market.


Cypvest has the potential to mark significant achievements and innovations in the industry. Unlike traditional exchanges that often catered to experienced traders, the platform stands out by prioritizing educational content and user support.

Through user interviews and testing, we previously found that most of the potential users showed interest in other investments but not in crypto because of the fear and lack of confidence in this industry. I’ve successfully approached this problem through creating very simple interfaces to avoid overwhelming the users with too much information and jargon. This is how we brought a positive impact on user confidence in crypto trading.

Cypvest -Crypto Trading App

Cypvest -Crypto Trading App

How I successfully applied the design principles of Duolingo in a crypto trading app

How I successfully applied the design principles of Duolingo in a crypto trading app

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