

How drastic changes were brought in the management system for delivery businesses.

How drastic changes were brought in the management system for delivery businesses.

1.5 month

Web Design, SaaS

1.5 month

Web Design, SaaS

1.5 month

Web Design, SaaS


In the competitive delivery logistics industry, many companies struggle with inefficiencies in managing their operations. As a UX Designer, my primary goal was to tackle these challenges by developing DeliverMate, a solution designed to streamline and enhance delivery management processes.

Problem & Solution

The challenge was to create a user-friendly solution that organizes and optimizes delivery operations, turning into seamless efficiency in management. The goal for creating the interfaces was to simplify the complex systems prevailing through the delivery management.

Design Principles

  1. Steve Krug's "Don't Make Me Think" Principle: This principle emphasizes simplicity and intuitive design, ensuring users can accomplish tasks without confusion. By simplifying the batch creation process and making navigation straightforward, we reduced cognitive load and made the platform easy to use.

  2. Miller's Law: This law states that the average person can hold about 7 (plus or minus 2) items in their working memory. By organizing information into manageable chunks, we prevented user overload, ensuring users to quickly find and understand the information they needed without feeling overwhelmed.

User Feedback

During user testing, we received valuable feedback:

  • Batch Creation: Users appreciated the streamlined process but suggested more customization options.

  • Invoice Metrics: Users wanted more detailed metrics and better visual representation of invoice statuses.


By focusing on user-centered design principles, I significantly improved the efficiency and usability of the platform, resulting in drastic reduction in batch creation time and efficiency in monitoring deliveries. 

Real-time invoice updates improved customer satisfaction through transparency and streamlined payment collection led to reduced delays.



How drastic changes were brought in the management system for delivery businesses.

How drastic changes were brought in the management system for delivery businesses.

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