Avenir - Investment Consultants

Avenir - Investment Consultants

How I implemented the perfect landing page structure and copyright that converts

How I implemented the perfect landing page structure and copyright that converts

2 weeks

Web Design

2 weeks

Web Design

2 weeks

Web Design


As a web designer, I led the creation of a visually compelling and user-centric website for Avenir, a forward-thinking investment platform. My responsibilities held the entire design process, from conceptualization to final implementation, ensuring a seamless blend of aesthetics and functionality.

Discovery and Research

I began with in-depth research to understand Avenir's target audience and market positioning. This involved competitive analysis and understanding of business goals to gather insights that would drive the design direction.

Visual Design and Branding

The visual design phase focused on establishing a cohesive and modern aesthetic. I selected a sophisticated color palette, elegant typography, and dynamic visuals to reflect Avenir's commitment to innovation and excellence. The branding elements were crafted to resonate with the values of transparency, ethics, and personalized services.


The redesigned Avenir website successfully elevated the brand’s digital presence with clear actions and features. The intuitive design and compelling content have created the potential to be positioning Avenir as a standout player in the competitive financial technology market.

This content not only showcases my design skills but also demonstrates my ability to strategically approach a project and deliver meaningful results.

Avenir - Investment Consultants

Avenir - Investment Consultants

How I implemented the perfect landing page structure and copyright that converts

How I implemented the perfect landing page structure and copyright that converts

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